I’m Kate McEnroe,

and this is where I share what I do with …


The Rest

of my Time

I never know day to day what I’ll write about, but you can go straight to the categories you want to read about by clicking on the buttons below

In Search of Awe

In Search of Awe

This month I went in search of awe.  For me, awe opens a mental and emotional door to the state of mind, or mindlessness, I try to get to when I...

Whole Brain Thinking

Whole Brain Thinking

I can't lie, I've mostly been reading what I call “airport fiction” lately - those series of novels that are the literary equivalent of Law and...

Here we go

Here we go

Our 3-month working (ish) adventure begins October 31 with a month in Bray Ireland. Bray is about 45 minutes south of Dublin by rail. Apparently...

Child’s Play

Child’s Play

If you're like me and you sometimes have a little bit of trouble getting out of your head and into play mode, I've got an idea for you.  When you...



In 2013 a man named Dan Pallotta gave a TED talk that went viral. He made a passionate case for changing the way we evaluate charities, that by...