This is where I talk about . . . .
The Rest
Of My Time
. . . the time I’ve spent outside my “day job”
. . the time I have left in this incarnation!
I’m Kate McEnroe. Over the years I’ve left plenty of breadcrumbs around the internet as part of running my professional consulting practice.
(That part of my world lives at www.katemcenroe.com)Now it’s time to come clean online about the things I do and plan to do with The Rest of My Time.
A little more about me: I live in high up in downtown Chicago with a view of the lake, what we like to call living in an amusement park and museum combined, with a beach. I share my life and my adventures with my one and only ever boyfriend/husband Ed Riggins.
I’ve got a lot of interests and no interest in narrowing them down, but I do like to be a little organized, so you’ll be able to search the content by categories.
Please explore, sign up for my newsletter, and follow me on my Instagram(s) – can’t narrow them down either!

Pastimes and Passions
I’m hobby-curious, a multi-passionate maker, so I’m here to be your craft concierge. I’m building content that will let you dip your toe into a bunch of worlds and if you find a passion or pastime of your own, I’ll give you a path to follow and a window into my own journeys.

The Mediocre Meditator
There are plenty of places you can go to read about mediation – how to do it, why to do it, the mystical things that happen. That isn’t my purpose here. My purpose here is to share my experience, not my wisdom. I study up on it a little bit, but I don’t worry a lot about how it is supposed to be. For me, it is a very practical magic for any time in your public and private lives, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about it.

The Rest of The Stuff
This is my place for whatever else catches my fancy – maybe travel, maybe great food, maybe little things I’ve found I just love so much I think you should all know about them too!