Pastimes and Passions

Can Bills Inspire Art?

Can Bills Inspire Art?

Do I love getting bills and insurance statements? No. Does it help when once in a while there is a collage fodder treat waiting for me on the inside of the envelope? Yes, it certainly does. I don't know what is happening in the envelope business,...

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Child’s Play

Child’s Play

If you're like me and you sometimes have a little bit of trouble getting out of your head and into play mode, I've got an idea for you.  When you are trying to play like a kid, use a kid's toys. These multi-colored twistable crayons featured...

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What Makes an Heirloom?

What Makes an Heirloom?

When does a quilt, or anything else, become and heirloom? Recently I passed along this double wedding ring quilt that I made 30 years ago in the first year of my marriage to a couple just starting out in theirs. It never had a label before, but the...

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Dynamic Dots

Dynamic Dots

Continuing on my theme this summer of resolving paintings and drawings that have been languishing for quite some time. This one was started in a class that explored all kinds of experiments with golden proportions - according to the scrawled notes...

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Parsing Paintings

Parsing Paintings

I’m continuing to capitalize on the fragile and fleeting momentum I have to paint, and pairing it with my word of the year:  resolution. That means rescuing some works in progress that have been languishing in the studio closet.  These four pieces...

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The #100dayproject did its job

The #100dayproject did its job

Instagram hooked me again back in February, and I've just completed another 100 day project challenge. Did I cheat?  Kind of.  My goal was a 5"x5" piece every day, taking no more than 25 minutes. I didn't create every day, but I caught up, so I...

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5” x 5” x 25 Minutes continues . . .

5” x 5” x 25 Minutes continues . . .

#The100 day project continues, sometimes with Instagram evidence, sometimes not.  My challenge to my self was a 5”x5” piece I work on for no more than 25 minutes each day. The first couple of weeks I was in California, and the images reflected...

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(5 x 5 = 25) x 100

(5 x 5 = 25) x 100

Yes, I’m going to give it a try, the #100 day project on Instagram for 2024.  I have to say, it’s in my nature to finish what I start whether I should or not, so the upside is that I do tend to be more consistent with taking the time to make some...

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Refine and Resolve

Refine and Resolve

The time is approaching, as Instagram keeps reminding me, to think about the 2024 version of the #100 day project.  Since my intention last year was to “resolve” and this year to “curate”, my attention has been on looking around my studio and...

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An Artist’s Refrigerator

An Artist’s Refrigerator

Yes, you are seeing inside my refrigerator - paint pots just below the chicken salad.  It’s a trick I was taught by Chery Baird, my lovely art teacher, to save those leftover custom mixed acrylic paint colors. I never quite mix the right amount,...

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