I’m Kate McEnroe,
and this is where I share what I do with …
The Rest
of my Time
I never know day to day what I’ll write about, but you can go straight to the categories you want to read about by clicking on the buttons below
A Meditation Reset
I've been meditating for years, but like a lot of things we do routinely I think I've gotten a little sloppy with it lately. So, I'm hitting the...
AI is not invited to my Morning Pages
I’ll never ask AI to summarize my morning pages. Of course I repeat myself - my worries - my dreams That’s the point. The repetition is the key to...
What Makes an Heirloom?
When does a quilt, or anything else, become and heirloom? Recently I passed along this double wedding ring quilt that I made 30 years ago in the...
Dynamic Dots
Continuing on my theme this summer of resolving paintings and drawings that have been languishing for quite some time. This one was started in a...
Seeking Beauty
Seems like a good time to pull these old favorites off the bookshelf. The author is John O'Donohue, onetime priest, poet, philosopher who has now...
The 65-30-65 Project
As the hours of planning mount up, I've succumbed to the urge to give this big trip I'm planning for the end of the year its own special brand name....
Quieter outside than inside
What could this picture possibly have to do with meditation, mediocre or otherwise? Well, this is the view I have from my little nest, the comfy...
Parsing Paintings
I’m continuing to capitalize on the fragile and fleeting momentum I have to paint, and pairing it with my word of the year: resolution. That means...
The Rewards of Persistence
Planning continues for our three month year end adventure. For years I’ve collected hotel reward points from business travels, and we pretty much...