I’m Kate McEnroe,

and this is where I share what I do with …


The Rest

of my Time

I never know day to day what I’ll write about, but you can go straight to the categories you want to read about by clicking on the buttons below

A Meditation Reset

A Meditation Reset

I've been meditating for years, but like a lot of things we do routinely I think I've gotten a little sloppy with it lately.  So, I'm hitting the...

Dynamic Dots

Dynamic Dots

Continuing on my theme this summer of resolving paintings and drawings that have been languishing for quite some time. This one was started in a...

Seeking Beauty

Seeking Beauty

Seems like a good time to pull these old favorites off the bookshelf. The author is John O'Donohue, onetime priest, poet, philosopher who has now...

Parsing Paintings

Parsing Paintings

I’m continuing to capitalize on the fragile and fleeting momentum I have to paint, and pairing it with my word of the year:  resolution. That means...