This month I went in search of awe. For me, awe opens a mental and emotional door to the state of mind, or mindlessness, I try to get to when I meditate. Since I was in Paris, there was no shortage of world famous, awe inspiring places to choose...

This month I went in search of awe. For me, awe opens a mental and emotional door to the state of mind, or mindlessness, I try to get to when I meditate. Since I was in Paris, there was no shortage of world famous, awe inspiring places to choose...
This is the Duomo in Milan, Italy. Like so many world-renowned landmarks, it is awesome in detail and in scale. Whether you aspire to prayer, contemplation, or meditation and whatever your spiritual tradition, spaces like this seem like they...
The weather has been really beautiful lately, so I've had the windows open quite a bit more than usual. Where I live, that means city noises, and since I live near a hospital, that means sirens. I've noticed though, that the sirens outside are no...
I've been meditating for years, but like a lot of things we do routinely I think I've gotten a little sloppy with it lately. So, I'm hitting the reset button, trying to put a little more intention behind the mindfulness part of mindful meditation....
I’ll never ask AI to summarize my morning pages. Of course I repeat myself - my worries - my dreams That’s the point. The repetition is the key to what is unresolved, to what is important. The path to change - from the pen - to the page - to the...
What could this picture possibly have to do with meditation, mediocre or otherwise? Well, this is the view I have from my little nest, the comfy chair big enough that I can sink in to it with my legs folded up and meditation every morning, usually...
My personal meditation practice took an interesting turn when I came across this book recently. It talks about a modern interpretation of an ancient Tibetan practice called Chöd. I'm pretty sure we have all had thoughts, feelings, or even physical...
Once in a great while, when I am meditating and I do that body scan thing . . . I can’t find all the edges between me and everything else . . . Like, where do my hands begin and end . . . And it’s amazing and...
It’s a noisy world, and I think a lot about trying to find the signal in all the noise that matches the rhythm I want for my life. And that’s why I meditate.
Anything involving water - me in the water, me around the water - just makes meditation better for me. That's why I have to share this experience even though it was years ago - it was called a Himalayan Sound Bath. It took place in a swimming pool...