Pastimes and Passions

Palette Cleansers

Palette Cleansers

I’ve finally finished by 10 painting series based on a color palette inspired by the Villa La Contessina in Sorrento, Italy. Now, I was taught to mix a lot of my own colors, so that means I have little pots, lots of little pots, because when you do...

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The Villa La Contessina Series

The Villa La Contessina Series

Sometimes I feel the work I create is random and doesn’t have a cohesive style.  But then, sometimes, when I look back after several months connective tissue appears. Years ago I moved away from Atlanta and my art teacher before I completed my...

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Thankful Thursday – Ali Manning

Thankful Thursday – Ali Manning

Why am I grateful this #ThankfulThursday to Ali Manning of @vintagepage designs? Is it a coincidence that I finally developed the #morningpages habit just as I was introduced to the #handmadebookclub? Just today I wrote the final pages and added...

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Thankful Thursday – Bari Zaki

Thankful Thursday – Bari Zaki

Thankful this month for @barizaki, one of the first people to teach me the fine points of bookbinding and box-making at her studio in my hometown of Chicago. Had a lovely afternoon at that studio yesterday with local members of the...

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Layers and Passages

Layers and Passages

I don’t know if I’ll ever use a process quite this structured again, but the series of new paintings is coming along. My last Instagram reel showed the original still life and the tracing paper drawings that were made from every angle, then layered...

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Working toward Resolution

Working toward Resolution

So I made a little reel and posted it on Instagram, showing the lead up to a series of 10 paintings I working on right now - six out of ten finished, I think.  The project started  years ago as the last assignment in my Composition class, just...

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Thankful Thursday – Lucie Duclos

Thankful Thursday – Lucie Duclos

Time for #ThankfulThursday again, and a shout-out to another one of the artists that the COVID crisis brought in to my life. Thanks to @lucieduclos who, through the @winslowartcenter led the #paperpalscollageclub, inspiring and challenging us every...

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Thankful Thursday – Bel Mills

Thankful Thursday – Bel Mills

Bel Mills of @scrap_paper_circus is my Thankful Thursday this month. She was one of many lockdown-era sanity savers who came to us via Zoom with great projects and skill builders. This paper wallet made the 3 year old girl who got it very happy...

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Thankful Thursday – Meredith Hite-Estevez

Thankful Thursday – Meredith Hite-Estevez

My #thankfulthursday shout-out this month is to Dr. Merideth Hite-Estevez of @artistsforjoy . After years of trying, something about the free on-line Artists Way group she facilitates finally helped me flip the switch on morning pages and stick to...

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Color Palettes

Color Palettes

I’ve been wondering why these colors have been insisting on being part of the new series of mixed media paintings I’m starting. They also showed up in the collage pieces I created as part of #collagejoylove. Today I realized it is probably because...

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