I get great creative insights when I meditate.  That sounds like a good thing, and for the most part it is, but the challenge is what to do with them when they come around.  Meditation wisdom says don’t hang on to your thoughts, let them pass by like a feather floating down a stream.  But what if they are really amazing ideas?  Do you keep a notepad nearby and just really, really quickly jot down a few key words so you don’t lose the thread forever?  That feels like breaking the rules, somehow, but what if that burst of inspiration is really important, and what if the rest of my sit is lost anyway to worrying about whether or not I’ll remember it?

If I find myself caught in the idea that silently, constantly repeating the idea to myself to lock it in and can’t break out of it, once in a great while I’ll hit the record button on whatever device is nearby and just record a fragment or two.  That seems a little less disruptive than stopping to write something down.

For the most part, I’ve decided to trust.  After all, meditation is kind of an exercise in trust anyway.  I try to trust that the really important stuff will resurface, maybe in an even better, refined version of itself.  And like many of my meditation experiences, I am often frustrated in the moment but gratified in the end.