OK, I’m going to get just a little mystical again here, but maybe I can take the edge off it. You know how a lot of people think that there’s something lucky about a pair of socks, or a favorite hat, or some kind of ritual. Seems like a lot of times it is connected to sporting events of some kind. Well, for my, my lucky sign has always been butterflies. I like to think that when they show up, it is a sign that everything will be OK, or maybe even better than OK. I’ve had a pet in the past, but not often and not now, so I think the occasional butterfly showing up, and even giving me the feeling that they are following me around like a pet would, takes that place for me. And yes, there’s more, I’ve decided I’m even more special, because in my mind the only reason there would be butterflies outside my 33rd story downtown Chicago window is because they are visiting me, personally. There’s nothing like the feeling of opening your eyes after a sit and seeing a visitor like this outside your window.