Most of the posts here and on my Instagram til now have been art-focused, but we are all multi-dimensional, right?

I am pretty open about the fact that I meditate.  In fact when I would go to  conferences and conventions for my regular gig, and someone would propose an early morning group run, I would offer an early morning group sit as an alternative (no one ever took me up on it).

In 2020 and 2021, one of the things I was particularly grateful for is having formed the habit of daily meditation years ago – I’m not ever sure how many years ago, maybe 7, maybe 10.

When you meditate, it is said that you “sit” no matter what your posture, which is what we were all called to do during the COVID times – to pause even as our thoughts are racing.

There are plenty of places you can go to read about mediation – how to do it, why to do it, the mystical things that happen.  That isn’t my purpose here.  My purpose here is to share my experience, not my wisdom.  I study up on it a little bit, but I don’t worry a lot about how it is supposed to be.  For me, it is a very practical magic for any time in your public and private lives, and we can all use a little magic, so from time to time, you’ll see this different kind of post.  If you like them, you can filter the feed with the search bar above, and share your email below for regular updates and some free treats.