It is inevitable that you’ll get interrupted, so then what do you do? Maybe the interruption is self-inflicted, a phone call you just can’t ignore, or maybe it is someone walking in the room. Do I give up for the day, or start from where I am, or start over at the beginning, whatever I consider the beginning to be? I usually decide based on how far along in my sit. If I’m sitting for 25 minutes, and something happens around minute 18, I usually just call it done. On the other hand, if I’m only five minutes in, I’ll try pretty hard to just restart. I don’t have any magic formula to keep people from interrupting you – you can negotiate with the adults you live with and hope they understand, but if you’re trying to do it with kids in the house, no guarantees. The good news is that one of the attitudes you try to cultivate with meditation will help you here – when the inevitable inevitably happens, you don’t have to react to it, you can just say “of course” and get back to business as soon as you can.