Even up north in Chicago, where we ping-ponged between eighty degree days and snowfall in April, you can feel the energy stirring.
We had a great road trip this month down to Atlanta. Actually I was tagging along as the “trailing spouse”, a role that isn’t too familiar to me, while my boyfriend/husband taught some continuing education classes. A great chance to check in on some friends and do a little fabric shopping (I recommend Gail K on Cheshire Bridge for what can be a deeply rewarding experience in a super chaotic layout).
A fair bit of themonth was spent working with Impact Grants Chicago. This year I stepped up from a Financial Analyst for grant applicants to the head of one of the committees of financial analysts. Impact Grants Chicago is organized around the concept of one woman-one vote. Each one of us contributes $1,000, and we make as many $100,000 grants as that money will allow – usually four or five each year, It is an all volunteer organization, and it has given me great insight into a number of inspiring charitable and social service organizations that serve Chicago citizens. Each year as we hear the stories of our finalists during site visits I’m reminded of how truly priviledged I am, and how grateful we should all be to the people who work so hard and stay so faithful to the difficult and important work of these organizations. I truly have no problems.