February Finale

February Finale

There were a bunch of February adventures.  The real treat was a last minute decision to hit the road and head to Tucson for a winter break – sunshine and temperatures in the 70s were a nice change from a Chicago winter, even for just a week.  Truth is, we would have stayed longer but the amazing house we found was only available by a fluke. We know something now for sure – we live in a high-rise, which is kind of like living in a hotel, so the big treat for vacation is a house with a backyard.  So happy we found this one, but so sad to find out we would be the last renters ever  –  the homeowners were moving in themselves.

Every since I have be overly-obsessied with finding an option for next year.  We aren’t likely to be full-on snowbirds, but we are flirting hard with the idea of February in the desert.

Moonlight at Miraval

Moonlight at Miraval

My first post-pandemic flight was back to Miraval Resort in Tucson, Arizona,  I have and will write about the experience in other places, but for this time I wanted to share this magical photo.  My friend Janet Miller had just taken a course there is optimizing iPhone photography, and that evening we had this amazing scene on our way back from dinner, so thanks to her for the image – I may have done a little art direction.  I love my almost-vintage iPhone, but I have to say this set me up with a little new phone craving.