The Rewards of Persistence

The Rewards of Persistence

Planning continues for our three month year end adventure.  For years I’ve collected hotel reward points from business travels, and we pretty much run our life on American Express, so our plan to avoid sticker shock is to put them to good use.  Like anything that saves you money, there is often a trade-off that involves more time, and I accept that.  I also accept that I have a tendency to be an over-researcher and would often do well to stop thinking and pull the trigger.

Just when I’m building momentum, though, I have an experience that rewards my paranoia.  The latest example involved booking a flight from Madrid, Spain to Nice, France (for sure a first world problem, but stick with me, because the same thing could happen in less exotic places).

First, those rock bottom airfares you hear about are largely an illusion if you want to carry more than a toothbrush and have the option to cancel.

Option One was to book the flight on the American Express travel web site and pay with points, possible because Iberia airlines is a partner.  That would take about 37,000 points for a refundable fare.  Don’t ask me why, but I felt compelled to check directly with Iberia, and guess what – Option Two, same flight, same everything, 18,000 points!  Yes, it involved joining another loyalty program, another password, and a couple of phone calls because it seemed too good to be true.

Seriously, do you have any idea what I can do with an extra 18,000 points?