Seeking Beauty

Seeking Beauty

Seems like a good time to pull these old favorites off the bookshelf.
The author is John O’Donohue, onetime priest, poet, philosopher who has now left us.
His words gentle me down, his poems/prayers require no specific faith, only a desire to embrace hope and ask for help.  If you try it and like what you read, look for a recording, you’ll like what you hear – that’s what a lovely Irish accent does.
Poetry Challenge

Poetry Challenge

One of the things I’m enjoying about the Handmade Book Club are the monthly projects. In the club, the monthly projects are usually about learning new structures while over in the free group, Vintage Page Designs, they are theme challenges.  This month the theme was poetry.  Now I certainly don’t write poetry, and to be honest I don’t even read it very often, but now and then there have been poems that have impacted me deeply.  This past year it has been Mary Oliver’s poem about worry.  I also don’t letter very well, but I thought I would give it all a try with this project.  Here are some pictures of the inside pages.