Palette Cleansers

Palette Cleansers

I’ve finally finished by 10 painting series based on a color palette inspired by the Villa La Contessina in Sorrento, Italy.

Now, I was taught to mix a lot of my own colors, so that means I have little pots, lots of little pots, because when you do ten paintings you will never get exactly the right amount mixed and there will be lots of little variations.

So, though I’m kind of ready to move on, I’m drawn to using what’s left on my brushes after a session or in my pots at the start of a session to create these little “palette cleansers” – just playing, really, with color and marks and little 3×3, 4×4, or 5×5 off cuts that are lying around.

Here are a couple more, and you can see others over on instagram @therestofmytime

Color Palettes

Color Palettes

I’ve been wondering why these colors have been insisting on being part of the new series of mixed media paintings I’m starting. They also showed up in the collage pieces I created as part of #collagejoylove.

Today I realized it is probably because I’m just now on my way to spend some time at the lovely @villa_la_contessina in Sorrento Italy. It’s a long-delayed return visit, but apparently the colors have stayed with me all this time wanting to be seen.

If you want to know more about this beautiful villa and the other places we go along the Amalfi Coast, I’ve written up a guide that is one of my gifts to you when you sign up for my newsletter.