Wrapping Up November

Wrapping Up November

November has been our digital nomad month for several years now, one of the perks of both of us being self employed, which we remind ourselves of often.  We have to, because many days we remind ourselves that being self employed is the same thing as waking up unemployed every day if you don’t put the right spin on it.

Our retreat of choice is the Panhandle of Florida, specifically a 30 mile stretch between Panama City and Destin that is blissfully devoid of many highrises.  It’s a quiet time, at least until Thanksgiving weekend, but the perfect place to replace our urban walks with beautiful beach walks, and lots of time to work or play on the comfortable balcony.

I’ve written this month about the curated collection of project I brought along  –  here’s summary of the progress made:

  • Quilted table runners all bound and threads clipped – they could still use some extra quilting
  • Changed my mind about the pattern I wanted to knit – cotton yarn can be tricky – but I found a new one and am about 70% finished, well maybe 50%
  • Two malas made except for the final attachment – found out my tassels didn’t have the top loop I prefer, but I’ve ordered up replacements, so that will be a quick fix. Two more fully designed but not yet in process
  • Some water color and collage play, even some sketching, but no where near the daily practice I still hope for
  • Paper pieced curvy blocks all finished – next step will be pressing and blocking, then figuring out the setting

All in all,  not bad.

Also made a trip to the local quilt store – trying to support the local arts economy – and found out they are closing their bricks and mortar in 3 days!  Not sure if it’s the economy, or just a desire by the owners for a more manageable day to day life.  As a lifestyle entrepreneur myself, I know that exit strategies aren’t always clean.

I’ll miss this place, and have fingers crossed it will be available to us again next year, and we will be available to take advantage of it.  Grateful though, for my Chicago home to get back to that still gives me light and a view of water all the way to the horizon.

May is for Malas

May is for Malas

I made this mala a couple of years ago, and it has seen some hard use lately (can you seen the wear and tear on the stringing?).  So, it’s time to repair it.  While I’m at it, it’s probably time to make use of these tassels and beads I have in “inventory”.  I’d love to say that I can make a few more strictly out of my stash, but like all projects we start with good stash-busting intentions, some new shopping is likely to be in my future.