Menagerie, Courtesy of Jess Huff

Menagerie, Courtesy of Jess Huff

So it started with a unicorn.  My niece has a thing for unicorns, what little girl doesn’t these days, and I’m trying to make a dent in my stash of yarn (and every other art stash).  The unicorn was a big hit, I even got status as the favorite sleep-with stuffy and the one that had to get packed for any trip.  That’s like winning an Oscar or something.  BUT, it turns out that polyester stuffing comes in pretty big bags, and I have no sense of how much it takes to stuff a unicorn, so there was a lot of leftovers.  Which led to a lion (for a nephew), a monkey (for a professional speaker friend – there’s a story there) and a rabbit and horse that are so far homeless but adorable.  At least now the stuffing is used up – the yarn stash, not so much!

These patterns, by the way, are generous freebies from Jess Huff – find her at or on Instagram @jesshuffco.