My Type of People

My Type of People

I’ve written before about Meredith Hite-Estevez, who leads an online cohort through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, is a mom, professional oboist, a coach for artists and creatives and about to be a published author.  AND a podcaster.  This summer, Meredith decided to devote a series of podcast episodes to each of the enneagram numbers and how they impact creative processes and lives.  She asked for volunteers, and I thought I would give it a go.

I recently listened to the episode I was on, with some trepidation.  I wasn’t sure during our interview if I was making any sense, was rambling – it was a masterpiece of the overthinking that characterizes an Enneagram 6, but I said I would, so Loyalist that I am, I did.  And then I was sure that everyone else would sound so much more profound.

And they were profound, and vulnerable, and wonderful.  It would be amazing if any of my words made someone feel seen and KNOWN, the way their words made me feel that way.

If you want to listen, check out the Artists for Joy podcast and if you want to join the next Artist Way cohort (it’s free), sign up at

Thankful Thursday – Meredith Hite-Estevez

Thankful Thursday – Meredith Hite-Estevez

My #thankfulthursday shout-out this month is to Dr. Merideth Hite-Estevez of @artistsforjoy .

After years of trying, something about the free on-line Artists Way group she facilitates finally helped me flip the switch on morning pages and stick to it, to great benefit.  It still astonishes me when I see the filled journals that have piled up.

I’m looking forward to a conversation with her next week to talk about how #enneagramtypes influence creative practice — look for this and other topics on her Artists for Joy Podcast.  I’m an Enneagram 6, and to be honest don’t know much about the types, but when I read the basics and started to consider the questions she is posing, it feels like there is a lot of insight to be had.