The Artist’s Way – Once More with Feeling

The Artist’s Way – Once More with Feeling

One of the new things I started in February, mid-February to be exact, is working with an on-line community through the 12 week Artist Way program.  This one is organized by Meredith Hite-Estevez who works under the Lumina Arts Foundation brand and has a podcast called Artists for Joy.

I’ve read the book before and maybe mentally played with the exercises, but never really committed to using it as a workbook and taking it seriously, week by week, for twelve weeks.  We will see how it goes, but it is nice to have a weekly check in with a community and as someone with life coach training, Meredith seems to  have a pretty good handle on how to faciitate.  Morning pages are somehting I theoretically admire but wonder if I will keep up, and breakout rooms on line are always hit or miss, but my first one was a hit, so I will “keep coming back”, or at least that’s how it feels like now.