Instagram hooked me again back in February, and I’ve just completed another 100 day project challenge.
Did I cheat? Kind of. My goal was a 5″x5″ piece every day, taking no more than 25 minutes.
I didn’t create every day, but I caught up, so I made 100 pieces in 100 days
I didn’t work more than 25 minutes, but I often took less
I used watercolor, I sketched in pencil and pen, I used collage, I used gouache, I used acrylic
These two pieces aren’t part of the work I created but they are the reason I decided to do the project. Consistent practice helps me loosen up. It helps me remember how I did things in pieces I like, how to avoid effects I don’t like, and how to fix things that go wrong.
So, when I decided that I wanted something to change out the two hallway picture frame images before the weekend, these two pieces came quickly. They aren’t perfect. They could be worked on some more, for sure. But that’s always true. The 100 day project reminded me that it’s just paper and paint, and I can let it go, because there will be another chance to create tomorrow.