Well, I got my answer from the universe on how to work with morning pages. Just as I was beginning the Artist Way program, an artist named Catherine Rains that I follow on Instagram spoke about something called Illumine Hour. It is hosted by a woman named Daphne Cohn, and she opens a Zoom room every morning for an hour, for free, and invites anyone who wants to be there. She opens with a blessing and an artist’s prayer, people may or may not share what they intend to do for the hour, and then everyone just “makes” their art.
I have been using the time to do morning pages (about half the time) and then to work on a 100-day art project I am playing with – more on that in other posts.
At the end of the hour, you will hear her voice, calling you to a closing blessing, and that is it. People silently not even really witnessing, just sharing space. I have wanted better focus, and it appeared just as I needed it.
A few weeks after I joined Daphne sent out one of her newsletters saying she was overcoming a fear of asking for support, and was going to start to accept donations – appropriately, just around International Women’s Day. Again, just perfect, because I was intending to find a way to support her. Something that arrived in my life so perfectly timed and became such a quick part of my routine is certainly worthy of support.