Yes, I’m going to give it a try, the #100 day project on Instagram for 2024. I have to say, it’s in my nature to finish what I start whether I should or not, so the upside is that I do tend to be more consistent with taking the time to make some work every day.
The downside is that these days I have a strange relationship with the idea of discipline – doing the same thing over and over. On the one hand, perhaps that is the besr way to identify my style. On the other hand, if the “rules” I choose for the challenge stop being fun, that’s time I could be exploring something else.
So here’s where I landed. A journal of mixed media paper (2 if I make it to 100 days). A 5” x 5” outline. 25 minutes a day.
That’s it. No subject matter. No restriction on what I do inside that space. Or maybe a few, because for the first 30 days, I’m away from home, so limited to the supplies I brought with me. But then, who are we kidding. We drove, I brought plenty.
Still, I expect later on some collage and maybe stitiching will start to show up.
Meanwhile, so far every day it’s something new-ish. (There’s a little bit of a secret color of the day rule sneaking in too, but that’s another story).
Maybe, as it often the case, it will all make sense in the end.